Liberty Gazette, Oct. 1827
Having opened a school in the town of Liberty, take this method of informing the citizens of the vicinity that their school is open to receive the children of any who may find it convenient to send; that besides the common branches; reading, writing and arithmetic, they teach English grammar, geography, Elements of geometry, the Greek and Latin languages; and hope by a entire devotion of their time to the duties of their profession to merit the approbation of those who may favor them with their patronage.
N.B. Itis also proposed to give evening lectures on Grammar to such young Ladies and Gentlemen as have not an opportunity of attending their instructions during the day. It is believed that a grammatical knowledge of the English language can be acquired in a short time in this way.
Those who may be concerned, are hereby notified that my house is of wood and liable to be burned; therefore all persons having deeds or other papers of Record, in my hands are requested to call immediately and lift the same, as cash is more secure in wooden buildings than papers. A neglect to attend to this notice may occasion some trouble to the Sheriff of Union County.
William Cason, Deputy
Recorder of Union County
Whereas my wife Mary has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, this is therefore to forewarn all persons from trusting or harboring her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting from this date.
Jacob Deardorff
Sept 20, 1827
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