Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Whiskey, a pig in your poke

 Jan. 17, 1845 Brookville American

Another distillery -- We learn from the Beacon that a new distillery, owned by G.W.C. Comeygs, has just gone into operation at Lawrenceburgh, which will consume 500 bushels of corn per day, and make 50 barrels of whiskey, and feed 5,000 hogs. The other distillery in that place uses 800 to 1,000 bushels of corn per day, and makes from 80 to 100 barrels of whiskey, and feeds 8,000 hogs. (Also known as swill.)

These two distilleries will use in one year probably 350,000 bushels of corn. The most natural and convenient place for the purchase of this corn in the Whitewater Valley. Whilst they are furnishing us with a good and convenient market, we are supplying a vast stream which is corrupting and demoralizing the world, and entailing misery, crime, wretchedness and ruin upon the human race.

It is a subject worthy of the consideration of the moralist whether the producer is responsible for the improper use made of spiritous liquors by the drunkard. It is necessary and important that we should have spiritous liquors for many and various mechanical, chemical and other purposes. 

Is the producer responsible for the improper use of spirits? Razors are made for valuable purposes, yet people will not cut their throats with them. The world could scarcely wag along without ropes, yet the foolish will sometimes hang themselves with them. Medical poisons are valuable when administered with the aid of skill and learning, yet they are frequently administered by quacks with fatal effects in the patient, and many an unfortunate lunatic use them to hurry them into an awful eternity.

Who, then, is responsible for the drunkard?

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