Brookville American, 1859
-- Austin Webb will not remove from Blooming Grove, divers rumors to the contrary, notwithstanding, but will remain at the old stand, where he is ready at all times to do anything in his line from making nail up to repairing an 'ingine.'
-- Apropos of this subject, we will remark that the citizens of Blooming Grove and vicinity request us to state that a wagon maker is needed in their town, and from what we know of the location, etc., we no hesitancy tin saying that one would do well at that place.
-- The Democracy of Fairfield Township feel highly honored, no doubt, in the act of the Commissioners passing them by, and appointing as their appraiser of real estate, a whilom Main Liquor Law and renegade Know Nothing from Blooming Grove Township -- República is ungrateful!-- Our friend, B.F. Webb, Esq., of Blooming Grove, has turned Dentist, and offers his professional services to the public. -- Success to him.
Rev. Mr. Iddings of Dunlapsville will preach at the Presbyterian Church in this place on next Sabbath (25th inst.) at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. and 6 1/2 o'clock P.M.
-- We are pleased to learn that Dr. Babb of Fairfield who has been seriously ill for a length of time, is improving and bids fair for a speedy recovery. This reminds us that the Dr. offers his property for sale.
State Tax
The vote in the House of Representatives indicates the defeat of the bill to levy a state tax to be collected on the present valuation of real estate. It is a truth long known by many taxpayers that great inequality exits in the appraised value of real estate, which should be first corrected, that taxes may be equitably levied.
Forty counties south of the center of the state pay double the taxes that the same number of counties laying north of that line do. This inequality is outrageous and must be adjusted.
It is declared practicable to borrow the money at reasonable rates to meet the deficiency for want of this tax levy, which should be done, and a fair and just appraisement made for the next year's duplicate.
Burglar Arrested
On Monday last the 13th, the store of Samuel Boutcher & Son of New Trenton was broken open and $80 (four $20 bills) stolen therefrom.
Suspicion resting upon one George Baker, a resident of the place, he was arrested and taken before Esq. Barber, trial had and upon failure to execute bonds in the sum of $200, for his appearance at Court, was ordered to be committed to the jail of this county, where he remains at present, having arrived here late on Tuesday night.
He will now have the pleasure of tasting the salubrious atmosphere of that "black hole of modern Calcutta" for a while. Whether it will have a tendency to commend his morals, time alone will tell.
Those who profess to be on terms of intimacy with him say that he is "defunct in the abstract."
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