Saturday, February 8, 2025



The Corner Stone/ College Corner IN-OH Feb. 1876

Another Pioneer Gone

Wm. S. Rose died last Wednesday at the residence of his only daughter in Union County, Mrs. John Freeman, at the age of 81 and was buried by the Masons of Fairfield, of which Order he was an honorary member, at the burying ground below Fairfield. (Brier).

The funeral was preached in the M.E. Church at Fairfield. Mr. Rose made a Master Mason in Sharptown, N.J, in the year 1816 and moved to Union County in 1817, since which time with the exception of one or two years, he has been a resident of Union and Franklin counties, and has been Coroner of Union County since the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. He sold the first goods ever sold over a counter in Fairfield.

His friends were many and his enemies few. He had served more than the allotted period of years in the battle of life and leaves behind him a record which any man might well be proud to say at the close of life, "such has been my life too."

An alternate obituary in the Liberty Herald:

Again our hearts have been touched by the saddening influence of the hand of bereavement, softening our thoughts, and impressing upon our minds the great lesson that we, too, are mortal, and bearing a rapid flight to the Ocean of Eternity. 

The Angel of death has again entered our Lodge and we heard not the rustling of his wings or the sound of his footsteps, neither spake he of the land beyond the horizon of time, but silently gathered in the harvest of death, our aged and much esteemed Brother, William S. Rose, bear him to that land where the spirit needs no guiding hand, but roams at will, not among but forever away from the shadows.


Rose, as in Roseburg, is one of the original families in Harmony ad Liberty townships. Allegedly, Rose built the first permanent house in Fairfield that was not a log cabin. Rose was a member of the Bath Springs Presbyterian church. He was one of the original founders in 1821. The church lasted until 1857. I don't have many details about that. It was near Bath Springs Cemetery. -- JU 


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